diumenge, 8 de juny del 2008


Today I want to talk about one film that change me my carachter when I'm sad.
This film is Amelie, and I love it.
The why is because, I think that all films only look the superficial things of the live, but this for example look the things that like to do the persons who are around of Amelie, for example she says that she like throu stones in the river, or make happy the people.
Amelie is a optimistic girl. The film starts when she is little, she say that her father don't leave she go to school because she is ill (on the heart), then she grow up, and have a lot of imagination, because she haven't any friend.
One day, she feel in love. The boy is a strange boy too, with any friend.

I recomend that you see the film.
I leave the trailer here, and if you want look it.

dissabte, 7 de juny del 2008

Photos Days, Anna's Days.

The other day, I was walking in the streets of castello to go to my house, but suddently I see one girl, she wears a red t-shirt, I looked she and I see that she was Anna, my Anna.
I remember all the days that she and me went to make photos, our pation.
We talk some time, one houer. One houer is not a lot of time to explain our lives, but I feel that I was need it. Anna listen me (With this I don't say that there are nobody that listen me). I don't need anything more.
And I only have to say, Thank you to exist Anna.


Today for you Dani.

Because is your birthay, and Im happy for you because you are 18!!

myy godddddd... this is a lot of years.......!

but well, I hope that we will stay together 18 years more ;)!

Because friends like you isn't easy find it...

you are the tipw of friend that all the people want to have, you always have one smile to give me, and it is much appracied...

And this summerr!... Parttyyy!

(I recomend you: go to the car exam now!!! jeje)

andd.. thats all ;)



Summer time;

one week and we will can go to the beach, with the sun, whith friends, whitout exams, whit any problems...

I love summer!!!!

I'm tried for the exams, and for the school, one year are a lot of timee...

well, I hope that this will be a short week. :)

And the photo is from my trip on the Caribe...! I miss that a lot, I hope that the next year I will go again...! =(

Bye, and enjoy the summer... :)

dissabte, 31 de maig del 2008

I'm a Anusy fan

Today I will show to the world who is Anusy.
Anusy is a special person for a lot of people, because she is a freak (I'm sorry Anusy, its the reality).
Ok, what I can say about she? I will start with the real story.
One day, Estela and me, were in the "Punt de trobada" in the break time. We went to the computers and we start to look fotologs (a page that you can put your photos and you can write texts) and we found one that was very special, this fotolog whith this fotos, and the most important things, the form of her writings. And here start all the things.
Yes, yes... the fotolog of Anusy..! She is from Elche, Alicante, and she is 17 years old. She has freak friends that called "novia, xoxo, prima, pollete,..." and another patetic names. I remember that the first entry she say "peroo Otia!! (her best freind) tu no te preocupee que zi ze va esee a por otroo! que hay muscho potorro!!" this letters, this words!!! ooh, jajaj Estela and me laught a lot.
This day will starte the ritual. All days in the break time we went in the computers of the "Punt de trobada" to see if Anusy put some thing new. We like the writings, the words that she use more for exemple: "Otiaa!", "Eto que ee!?", "Familyy!!! Os Quieeeeeeee!!!", "pOs naa", "mierda vidaaaaaa", "aii diiOssssss!!", "pooor fiin viiierneeeeeeeees!!", "& mañaNa fiestaaa!".... and other.
She is unic, I recomend all the world that if one day is sad, she read texts of Anusy, he will be happy one week, jeje
And one inovation; the video of pollete!!
Yes yes, the last thing that Anusy was made are a video. The video consist on a song, they are Pollete, Ahinara, Laurica elx (otia), and Anusy! look!

Enjoy Anusyyyyy!

Bye :)


divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

When I was little



Searching the things of when I was little, I found a photo. There I made P3, there are all the people that has been next to me in my live, the people that now make second or first of batxillerat.
I put the names of all the people that are in the photo, I'm sure that you will knew the majority of this little people that now they are 18...
I'm happy to have all of they next to me, and I hope that this will be forever.

Eli, Cristian, Clàudia, Jose Diego, Estela, Duna, Laura, Ferran, Marina. S, Albert, Joel, Àngels (mee!), Saana, Alex , Jaume, Marina F. , David (or Sailer), Cristina, Yosu, Ruben, Vanessa, Guillem, Jenny and Tània..

I love this photo ^^


My future

Who doesn't think never what will be in a future?

When I was little I liked to play with things of doctors, I said "I will be a doctor", this was my dream, but then when with the years I see that this won't be possible. I don't like study, nothing, and I don't want study 8 years.
I decided that I will make phisiotherapy, its a job that I like, because I like make massages. I know that with this I have to study too, but only 3 years.
Then, when I finish this carrer, I will make Photography, that its the think that real like me, but my parents don't leave me this because they think that its a carrer that don't have any future. I don't think it, but if they say it, is for something.
All people who think that they can, they can.