divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

When I was little



Searching the things of when I was little, I found a photo. There I made P3, there are all the people that has been next to me in my live, the people that now make second or first of batxillerat.
I put the names of all the people that are in the photo, I'm sure that you will knew the majority of this little people that now they are 18...
I'm happy to have all of they next to me, and I hope that this will be forever.

Eli, Cristian, Clàudia, Jose Diego, Estela, Duna, Laura, Ferran, Marina. S, Albert, Joel, Àngels (mee!), Saana, Alex , Jaume, Marina F. , David (or Sailer), Cristina, Yosu, Ruben, Vanessa, Guillem, Jenny and Tània..

I love this photo ^^
