divendres, 30 de maig del 2008

My future

Who doesn't think never what will be in a future?

When I was little I liked to play with things of doctors, I said "I will be a doctor", this was my dream, but then when with the years I see that this won't be possible. I don't like study, nothing, and I don't want study 8 years.
I decided that I will make phisiotherapy, its a job that I like, because I like make massages. I know that with this I have to study too, but only 3 years.
Then, when I finish this carrer, I will make Photography, that its the think that real like me, but my parents don't leave me this because they think that its a carrer that don't have any future. I don't think it, but if they say it, is for something.
All people who think that they can, they can.